case study

Through various discussions for their business objectives, Codepoint approached Skymantle to build a brand new access control auditing tool using Amazon Web Services(AWS) Serverless Technology.

making system access audits simple and painless

Those dreaded words that managers hear every quarter: “It’s time to conduct a Systems Audit for your staff.” These systems audits are required to maintain compliance with a myriad of regulations, but the traditional way of conducting these audits makes the entire process painful, mundane, and a waste of time.

The traditional process involves email that inundates inboxes, attachments that get lost, managers who don’t respond, and days spent collating a report that will be read no more than once.

Skymantle Unlocked the Power of Serverless Technology for a Simple & Uncomplicated Auditing Experience. “We relied on Skymantle to deliver a solution designed to automate complex auditing purposes that is both simple to use and simple to maintain. They delivered on all counts.”

Peter Starcevic, Codepoint

Codepoint Software saw the problem as an opportunity to simplify the process, freeing up valuable time from executives and managers to do what they do best: driving business forward instead of doing mundane tasks.

simply manage employee data across all your systems

Audit Alert will take raw access information exported from each of your systems and matches them to individual employees, so you don’t have to waste valuable time doing so.

automate the process, from communication to audit

You’ll never have to send another email to start the process. Audit Alert automatically notifies managers who need to conduct audits for their teams. Your inbox has never been happier!

focus on the important things in your business

Audit Alert frees up time from your executives and managers because everything that’s mundane and tedious is either made simple or automated, allowing you to focus on growing your business

building a scalable solution with AWS serverless

We delivered a fully-serverless architecture, utilizing AWS cloud-based technology to deliver an incredibly lightweight, resilient, scalable, and highly-performant solution. Application logic is handled on-demand by AWS Lambda, while data is securely stored in DynamoDB while in active use and S3 when it’s ready for cost-effective archiving. The entire application is available 24/7 thanks for AWS services like API Gateway, Cognito, and S3 Static Web Hosting.

50% Savings

Amount of time saved by automating data manipulation, team coordination, and reporting for a systems audit


Uptime thanks to highly -resilient and highly-available architecture made possible by AWS Serverless Technologies


Infinitely-versioned spreadsheets, barrages of email attachments, tears shed, and excuses from managers

  • By using tools like API Gateway, we can segregate front-end code from back-end logic, allowing us to quickly adapt to new client system files by updating the processing logic without downtime.

  • System and user data never leaves the secure confines of AWS. Using the already-available security options like S3 Bucket Encryption and Virtual Private Clouds, we ensure every audit is secure end-to-end.

  • Flexibility in where and when managers conduct their team’s audits is at the core of Audit Alert, so we used highly reliable serverless components that don’t require traditional maintenance downtime.

  • Scaling up to meet customer demands is just the start. AWS Serverless technologies scale up and down depending on client usage and load, so Audit Alert is always responsive and highly-performant.

  • Audits don’t happen everyday, so the Audit Alert may sit dormant for weeks until the next audit cycle. With AWS Serverless components, usage and cost are optimized as the app scales up and down seamlessly.

  • Never having to deal with on-premise hardware means never having to deal with the high costs of maintaining hardware, and planning capital purchases & IT resourcing for the future.